Come To The Dark Side - We Have AsciiDoc

Writing documentation and preparing presentations as software developer is bad enough but using Microsoft Office makes it unbearable.

  • Binary content does not play well with version control and easy diffing does not work
  • Many documents are shared over email or Slack and you have no clue if you are looking at the latest version of it
  • You might not have the latest and greatest Microsoft Office 365 installed on your box

BLOBs shared over email, file system and/or Slack should be a thing of the past. We want our stuff

  • Text-based & version controlled
  • Playing nicely with GitHub and Bitbucket
  • Integrated in our build system of choice

We used Markdown a lot (and still love) but run into a few short-comings when writing larger documents

  • Original Markdown was very limited and missing features led to many flavors
  • Rendering of that many flavors cause headache and require tweaking of the original documents
  • Handling of TOC, complex table layouts, admonitions, …

Assuming that you are still interested in the topic you are gladly invited to have a look at the following presentation presentation at Github.